OK, let us talk about solar panels. So you’ve decided to find the best property for sale in Marbella but you’re not sure where to start. Should you go for contemporary chic new apartments for sale in Marbella? Or maybe you can see yourself snapping up a luxury Marbella penthouse? You know that Marbella is the place to be and that sustainability is a big deal when it comes to property. But you may not realise that it is possible to implement renewable energy systems, to generate clean energy in virtually any type of property. Once you know just how easy is to generate your own solar power from the sun, it opens up a mind- blowing choice of properties, some of which, you may have previously dismissed as too expensive to cool or heat or too old to be sustainable.

According to McKinsey & Company, “McKinsey Sustainability” solar panel installation is the most popular renewable energy choice in Spain, for obvious reasons! Solar energy companies, like Tutum Solar, can provide tailor-made solutions, recommending the right size and type of solar panels for your home. Then once installed, you will be well on your way to becoming a net-zero home and your reliance on the ‘grid’ will be reduced, as you will be producing your own green energy. It’s a no-brainer, solar panels are a great long-term solution if you want to cut electricity bills, reduce your carbon footprint and at the same time increase the value of your home.

Here 4 reasons why you should consider installing solar panels:

1. Increase the value of your property with solar panels

Whether or not you are interested in saving the planet, you’re probably keen to see the value of your property go up. In 2023, Fotocasa and Solvia published &quote; La Sostenibilidad en la demada de vivienda en España”, a report outlining the increased interest in sustainable properties. Answers provided by a focus group of 3,000 potential buyers revealed that 45% would pay more for a sustainable property (yes this includes solar panels!) and 53.4% see investing in green energy as a long-term strategy for reducing bills.

2. Cost savings with solar panels

Installing solar panels is a long-term investment that will produce ongoing cost savings sooner rather than later. Using solar power can save a homeowner between 30% and 80% on electricity bills. In the medium term, you can see substantial savings on the amount of energy used and the associated costs. Your electricity bill will be much cheaper and if you install solar batteries with bi-directional meters, you will be able to resell any surplus.

3. Energy savings: solar power efficiency

Solar panels are one of the efficient and fastest growing renewable energy systems. The panels harness energy from the sun, instead of taking electricity from the grid. The power can be used whilst the sun is shining or stored in solar batteries to be used at night, when there is no sunshine.

4. Zero emissions from solar panels

Unlike fossil fuels, solar power doesn’t produce any greenhouse gases or harmful carbon emissions whilst heating or cooling your home. In fact, in just 12 months, residential solar panels can reduce your carbon footprint by up to 80 per cent. Statistics from the Intergovenmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) show that your carbon footprint will be 20 times less than coal and 12 times less than gas, in relation to the emissions per KWh of electricity generated. In fact, there has never been a better time for solar panel installation….

Special Tutum Solar Discount Offer

Save 10% on solar panel installations for a limited time only!
To take advantage of this offer, simply book your solar panel installation and mention Roccabox.

For more information about solar panels or to arrange a no-obligation consultation, contact us at Tutum@roccabox.com or call +34 951 378 042

Dan Roc

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